A Letter to the Fans

by Herm Sorcher

Dear Danbury Hat Tricks Fans,

On behalf of our organization, we would like to thank you for your tremendous support throughout the season.

We also want to recognize the families of Melanie Frenkel & Doug Melody. We continue to honor and remember their passion and we thank you for carrying on their devotion to the Hat Tricks.

As we head into the Commissioner’s Cup Finals, these are your moments, and we want you to have the time of your lives. You deserve it.

For 13 hockey seasons you’ve stood for the home teams in this building. You’ve worn your hearts on your sleeves every single night. We know how fortunate we are to have you in both the Danbury Ice Arena and in the community. It was never more on display than the past week’s playoffs.

Your passion and energy made such a difference in both tight hard-fought battles vs. Elmira and Binghamton. It was clearly apparent & evident.

As we drop the puck on the road against Carolina tonight, we can look forward to next weekend in what could be one of the most special weekends this hockey community has ever seen.

This season so much has been written and said about the accomplishments of our players. To name a few - Jonny Ruiz and his milestone mark after mark, goaltender Brian Wilson’s record setting FPHL win total, Diamond Hands Daniel Amesbury’s strength & leadership, Mike Marchesan’s 30-goal rookie season and so many more.

But Danbury Hat Tricks hockey is so much more than just what’s on the ice, it’s you the fans…

Whether you wear a Top Hat to the games, fly the Jolly Roger, bang a snare drum, wear your seat number & row on your jersey, or have earned the moniker simply known as Postal, you are part of the fabric that makes coming to a Danbury Hat Tricks game such an incredible experience that has continued to grow.

Next weekend in the Danbury Ice Arena - live it up, make noise, cheer on the Hat Tricks, and celebrate yourselves.

How do we know this?

Simply put, look to the right and then look to the left. Look in front and then look behind - what you are watching, seeing, and hearing is a mirror & echo.

It is the sound and sight of the greatest hockey fans in the world.

One team, one sound, one city, and it’s our House!

Rabbits Baby!!!!