Anderson Hat Trick Lifts Danbury to HUGE Win

by Hat Tricks Staff

DANBURY, CT – The Danbury Hat Tricks (34-21-3, 100 pts) cruised by the Binghamton Black Bears (30-25-2, 88 pts) 7-3 on Sunday night, led by a Cory Anderson hat trick.

Anderson’s first goal was sandwiched by two Binghamton goals in the first period, but Danbury seized control of the contest in the final 40 minutes.

The Hat Tricks scored the only three goals of the second period to take a two-goal lead into the third.

The second period goals came from Tobias Odjick (10), Dustin Jesseau (20) and Anderson (31). For Jesseau, it was his fourth goal in the three-game series with Binghamton.

Early in the third, the Hat Tricks converted on the power play with Steve Mele’s 12th goal of the season to make it a 5-2 game. Binghamton brought it back to a two-goal lead for Danbury at 6:48 of the third, but the Hat Tricks closed out the game from there.

Jonny Ruiz scored his 48th at 9:14 and Anderson (32) completed the hat trick with 1.5 seconds left in regulation.

Brian Wilson made 26 saves for his 11th win this season and the Hat Tricks strengthened their grip on third-place in the FPHL standings.

Danbury is .055 percentage-points ahead of Carolina ahead of a contest with the Thunderbirds on Thursday night in Danbury.

The regular season will wrap up for Danbury on Saturday at home against Delaware.