Hat Tricks Fall to Wolves on Wednesday Night

by Hat Tricks Staff

DANBURY, CT - The Danbury Hat Tricks (32-20-3, 94 pts) fell 3-0 to the Watertown Wolves (41-11-3, 122 pts) on Wednesday night at home.
The loss is just the fourth at home all season for Danbury. It was a scoreless game until late in the second when Andrew Harrison converted on a power play for Watertown.

It remained a 1-0 lead for the Wolves until 1:03 remained in the game, when Watertown scored into Danbury's empty net.

Colin Chmelka scored his second empty-netter of the night to make it a 3-0 game with 18 seconds left in the third.

Pete Di Salvo made 28 saves on 29 shots faced before being pulled with the team down 1-0 late. His team-leading save percentage jumped to .908 in the loss on Wednesday.

The Hat Tricks fired 32 shots of their own on Watertown goaltender Gregory Hussey, but Danbury couldn’t find a way to put any pucks past him.

Danbury is back in action on Friday on the road against the Binghamton Black Bears.